Time To Move…..

It’s official. Warren Eye Care is moving. From our current location to One Main St. We will be on the 3rd floor. Right near a space I nearly built out 10 years ago. This time someone else did the heavy lifting.
Still working on the exact time of the move but I got the keys today!
Here are a couple of bad photos of the space.
I’m really looking forward to the move, watch for more information on the timing. Everyone will receive information before their next appointment.
I’ll post more photos once we start moving in. I’m planning on a really fun open house too!

Here are a few photos of the new space as it sits now. I’ll be making some changes as we move in.




Dr. Warren


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Communicating With Your Doctors

For many years I’ve had patients that emailed me questions, comments and requests for appointments, Rx refills and other functions. HIPAA regulations state that I can’t do that, problem is that patients don’t know this so I continue to get these type of emails.

Fortunately, the software that I use in my office allows patients and I to communicate in a HIPAA compliant fashion. I can send secure and receive secure messages to my patients, just like I can do with my physician. This is another case of the unintended consequences of Govt regulations, email worked great for years. Secure messaging works well too, but its still a new concept to patients.

So, if you want to send me requests or questions pertaining to your eyes or health, I’ll be sending you a secure message in reply, with an email explaining the action.

Dr. Warren


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Starting My 23rd Year In Practice

Today.  I realized that several of my patients this morning were 70, which means that they were same age that I am today when I started seeing them as patients.  I started in practice the Tuesday after Labor Day in 1992 and I’ve been practicing here in Racine ever since.

I want to thank my long time patients for allowing me into their lives for so many years.  I am looking forward to many more years caring for you!

Dr. Warren


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24 Years Ago Tonight…..

We lost one of the greatest guitarists of my generation, Stevie Ray Vaughn. And not a self inflicted early death. I grew up 20 miles away from Alpine Valley and I’ve skied under the lift that his helicopter struck many time before and since. I wonder how great he would have been if he’d have had the last 24 years to play and innovate…..


Dr. Warren


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I attended an Interesting Meeting Last Week

The “Vision By Design” meeting near O’Hare last week was an interesting meeting.  I didn’t learn a ton of new things, but certainly enough new information to make attending the meeting worthwhile.  I did however come back from the meeting much more energized about services that I have been offering my patients for some time now (OrthoKeratology, Scleral Lenses and other custom RGP lens designs).  I ordered two new “fitting sets” which will allow me to provide an even wider range of services to my patients looking to recover vision lost due to corneal issues (naturally occurring such as Keratoconus or surgically induced by LASIK, RK or PRK) as well as technology to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, with out surgery.

I’ve put a new video up on my Youtube channel about a corneal reshaping therapy.  Click here to watch it, its just a few minutes long and worth the time to watch.

If you or someone you know wants more information about their vision correction options, just set up a free consultation with me.  Did I mention its no cost, as in free, gratis etc? <G>

Dr. Warren


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Be Careful Out There….

If you’re a motorcycle rider as I am, be sure that you have not only your bike ready for the spring riding season which it teasing us with snippets of riding weather, but also your helmet and visor/sunglasses ready too.  I’d hate to have to take care of you after an issue with a flying bug or other debris.

Be sure that things are not only assembled correctly, but that your shields are clean and your sunglasses are also clean and that any padding/foam around them is in good shape so that it can block the wind without tossing foam pieces into your eyes!

And then get out in the wind!

Dr. Warren


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